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Bow Brooch: Tiny Beaded Knitted Brooch

Designed by Judy Hall


1 Hank of No. 11 Czech Glass Beads

1 Ball of DMC No. 8 Perlé Cotton

 Note: Select these with a slight or dramatic contrast rather than a near perfect match.
 The above quantities will make a few Brooches.

1 Pair of 1.25mm (0000) Knitting Needles

Tapestry Needle

Small Bow Brooch

1 9mm Split Ring

1 Ornamental Mini Purse Frame

Finished Size of Brooch is 4cm depth x 3cm width with a 2cm top width. 

Bead Knitting technique is used for this delightful, tiny brooch.
Designed for beginners to this technique, this brooch knits up quickly and with minimum requirements. Since there is no increasing or decreasing for the shape, only basic knowledge of knitting is required. Once "hooked", you will find a wealth of inspiration and designs in the BAGLADY series of Books for Bead Knitting available from the Australian Distributors, Punch with Judy.

This Adorable Brooch makes a beautiful small gift for someone.


The Brooch is knitted flat, the back and the front in one piece, using a pair of extra fine knitting needles. Beads are threaded onto the Perlé Cord before commencing - refer below.

Garter Stitch is used throughout, slipping the beads when stated between the stitches. The knitted stitch either side of each slipped section holds them firmly in place. Keep a firm even tension when knitting.


Czech. Glass Beads come already strung in a hank. These are the easiest to use.

Transferring the Beads to the Cotton:
Transfer 5 strands at a time onto the Perlé Cotton following the illustrations in Figure 1.

Allow the beads to slide over the knot onto the Perlé Cotton, small groups at a time.
When these have all been knitted, break the Perlé Cotton at the end of a row, transfer another 5 strands and continue knitting.
Never join in additional strands in the middle of a row.


Cast on 10 stitches, leaving a long tail. This can be used for assembling.

Rows 1 - 3: Knit.

Rows 4 - 7: Knit 2, * slip 1 bead, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 8 - 11: Knit 2, * slip 2 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 12 - 15: Knit 2, * slip 3 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 16 - 19: Knit 2, * slip 4 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 20 - 23: Knit 2, * slip 5 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 24 - 27: Knit 2, * slip 6 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 28 - 31: Knit 2, * slip 7 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 32 - 35: Knit 2, * slip 8 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

The 8 bead rows form the widest part of the brooch.

If desiring the loops of beads at the bottom, knit the following after Row 35.

Row 35A: Knit 2, * slip 14 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 36 - 39: Knit 2, * slip 8 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 40 - 43: Knit 2, * slip 7 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 44 - 47: Knit 2, * slip 6 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 48 - 51: Knit 2, * slip 5 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 52 - 55: Knit 2, * slip 4 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 56 - 59: Knit 2, * slip 3 beads, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 60 - 63: Knit 2, * slip 2 beads, knit 2, repeat from *to end of row.

Rows 64 - 67 Knit 2, * slip 1 bead, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 68 - 70 Knit 3.

Cast off loosely, leaving a long tail, again for assembling.


With a Tapestry Needle, sew the Ornamental Mini Purse Frame to the top edges through the holes provided.
Using the long tail at the cast on row, have right sides facing up, sew the side seams with an invisible seam by this method.

Pick up 1 st just inside the side edge, pull gently through, pick up next st from the opposite side and pull through. Repeat for the other side.
Attach the Split Ring to the top of the Frame in the centre.
Attach the Bow Brooch.


Row 35A which forms the beaded loops at the lower edge could be eliminated.
The loops could be made during assembling this way.
With a Tapestry Needle and a long length of Perlé Cotton, securely fasten at lower side edge.
Slip 14 beads onto this thread and sew 2 back stitches one third of the distance across the lower edge.
This will form the first loop of beads.
Slip another 14 beads and secure the thread two thirds the way across, then another 14 beads and secure at the other lower side edge.
You will now have three loops of beads, firmly secured with the back stitches.
A Chain Tassel (from our Charms & Embellishments Catalogue) or a purchased cord Tassel could be sewn to the lower edge.
Make your own Tassel, using your favourite method, with the leftover Perlé Cotton.
A Twisted Cord could be used rather than the Bow Brooch. Measure four lengths of Perlé Cotton, four times the desired length of the finished cord. Hold the four lengths together, fold the cords in half and knot the ends together. Place the loop over a nail, hook or ask someone to hold it, whilst you twist the other end in the same direction until the cord wantsto curl. Placing a pencil in this end makes it easier to twist, however, there is now a new tool called "The Spinster" which gives perfectly even tension for twisted cords. It is like a mini egg-beater with a hook for holding the cord while you turn the handle. If this is used, you could even incorporate one of the lengths to be a beaded cord. Whichever method you use, when finished twisting, fold the twisted cord in half and allow it to twist back evenly upon itself.
Secure the two ends together with a knot.
Sew the twisted cord neatly to the pendant just inside either side of the frame.