- Bloc_Loc Rulers®
- By Annie
- Clover Products
- Creative Grids
- Daylight
- Deb Tucker
- Dritz
- Famore Cutlery
- FASTURN ® Turning Tools
- Fiskars
- Floriani Embroidery
- Ghees Products
- Havel's Scissors etc.
- Jaybird Quilts
- June Tailor Products
- Kearing
- Loralie Designs
- Martelli
- Marti Michell
- Marti Michell's Perfect Patchwork
- Missouri Star Quilt Company
- Mistyfuse
- Olfa
- Omnigrid
- Pam Damour
- Phillips Fiber Art
- Purple Hobbies
- Quilt in a Day
- Quiltsmart Fusible Interfacing
- Sew Kind of Wonderful
Westalee Templates and Rulers for Domestic Sewing Machines
Click here to view the catalogue of all The Westalee Templates for Machine Quilting. The catalogue will open in a new browser window.
Please Note that if ordering for Long Arm 6mm Templates, there may be a delay as ALL are not kept in stock and may need to be ordered.