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Hatched in Africa - Fantasy Phoenix Photo Instructions

- For Phoenix with florals: 4 designs:
Sfphoenixsew1; Sfphoenixsew2; Sfphoenixsew3; Sfphoenixsew4
- For Phoenix with NO florals: 3 designs: Sfphoenixsew2; Sfphnxleg; Sfphoenixsew4
- Print in your Embroidery software in be true/real size
- Print on printer transparency paper

Image of fpins001.jpg
Image of fpins002.jpg
Image of fpins003.jpg
2. Cut out templates and align "sew1" & "sew2" at the crosses provided and sticky tape together.
3. Cut out templates and align "sew3" & "sew4" at the crosses provided and sticky tape together.
4. Mark centre of fabric. Place first template set on
fabric aligning the tail side with centre of the fabric.
Use a ruler to mark the placement lines of designs.

Image of fpins004.jpg
Image of jjpinstruct005.jpg
Image of jjpinstruct006.jpg
5. Mark the centre of the designs on the fabric
6. Hoop stabaliser (medium weight) and mark centre lines of hoop
7. Place centre of design on centre of hoop and stick down with sticky spray (505 or other)

Image of fpins005.jpg
Image of fpins006.jpg
Image of fpins007.jpg
8. Stitch 1st design
( sew1 )
9. After stitching the first design you can check your alignment with your templates
10. Hoop and stitch the 2nd design

Image of fpins008.jpg
Image of fpins009.jpg
11. Now align the 2nd set of templates to the embroider on the fabric. Draw your placement lines for "sew3"
12. Hoop and stitch the 3rd design "sew3".
NOTE: This design must be hooped sideways

Image of fpins010.jpg
13. Place template on the embroidery and draw the placement lines for the phoenix body "sew4"

14. Hoop and stitch the 4th design: The body

15. Add Crystals for a special sparkle!


Image of fpins011.jpg