The Answer to the Storm at Sea Question
The question was, "Do you have the 60-degree diamond for Storm at Sea?" We show "Storm at Sea" in Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia of Patchwork Blocks. The block repeat will be 9 inches when using Sets A and C, and 12" when using Sets For PDF of full-size template patterns, click here. The patterns will open in a new browser window. Before printing, check Acrobat printing preferences to be sure you do not have "shrink to fit" selected. Otherwise, the patterns will be smaller than the actual templates. Save the file to your hard drive as "source" to preserve the page formatting. Here's how to make the diamond unit with our templates. METHOD NO. 1
METHOD NO. 2 Fold fabric in half and put top edge of tape against the fold. Cut the remaining sides to make a diamond. All four sides will be on the bias. Use this method for cutting stripes, either way: METHOD NO. 3 1. Cut strips a scant 3 1/4 inches for C #16, and 4 1/16 inches for D #22. Use template C #16 or D #22 to establish the correct angle. 2. Cut parallelograms the same width as the strip. 3. Use template C #16 or D #22 to create precision corners for piecing triangles cut with template C #17 or D #23 to complete the rectangular Storm at Sea unit. |
Used here with Permission From Marti Michell
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