WonderArc™ - How to Cut a Circle
Using the WonderArc Ruler
1. Cut square the size of desired circle. Example: 5" circle, cut a 5" square.
2. Press square in half.
3. Press square in half again.
4. Line the folded edges of square with the solid lines on the WonderArc ruler.
5. Any 45mm rotary cutter can be used. The ergonomic styles work better over
the older, straighter models of rotary cutters.
6. Place the rotary cutter in the arc groove.
7. Always place your hand under the arc that has been selected for cutting.
Never place your hand at the end of the arcs. As the rotary cutter starts rolling
or cutting, hug the edge of the arc.
8. Showing where the rotary cutter cut the circle.
9. Cut 5" circle