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Land and Sea Shawl - Crochet Pattern -


by Elisa from Strings and Cuddles

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate


1 Dreamers Yarn Cake from Rena’s Thread and Crafts (100% Polyester, 4-Ply, 300 grams /1500 yards); I used approximately 1450 yards.
Clover Amour Crochet Hook Size 3.5-Art No.1043/E
Clover Patchwork Scissors Mini- Art No. 493/CW
Clover Quick Locking Stitch Marker- Art No. 3033
Tape Measure
Clover Tapestry Needle- Art No. 219
GAUGE: R1 – R7 = 4 inches (Follow Pattern Instructions R1 to R7 and measure from the center – top down)

FINISHED MEASUREMENT: Approximately 70 (width) x 34 (height) inches – Unblocked


Ch(s) – Chain(s)
DC – Double Crochet
FPSC – Front Post Single Crochet
MR – Magic Ring
PM – Place Marker
R – Row/Round
Rep – Repeat
RS – Right Side
SC – Single Crochet
Sk – Skip
Slst(s) – Slip Stitch(es)
Sp(s) – Space(s)
St(s) – Stitch(es)
TR – Treble Crochet
WS – Wrong Side
P3 – Picot with ch 3
TR Cl – Treble Crochet Cluster (TR2together in 1 st/sp)
BO – Bobble Stitch (DC5together in 1 st/sp)

  1. Read the pattern carefully before starting
  2. Gauge is not so much of an issue, but included as a guide, especially for the amount of yarn needed to complete this project.
  3. Stitch markers are optional but recommended. Use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of the row and move as work progresses.
  4. Asterisks * * indicate pattern repeats. You need to repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or repeat them at specified locations.
  5. Parentheses ( ) are used to work instructions within parentheses as often as directed or work a group of stitches in the same stitch or space.
  6. Brackets [ ] are used to work instructions within brackets/frames as often as directed.
    Check out the photo tutorials on the last pages.


R1 (WS): Begin with a MR, ch 3 (counts as 1 DC throughout), 2 DC into the ring, (ch 3, 3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) into the ring. Pull the yarn tail tightly to close the circle. Turn.

R2 (RS): Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 3 sts, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 3 sts, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 2 sts, 3 DC in the last st. Turn.

R3: Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, ch 3, sk 2 sts and ch-2-sp, FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, sk ch-2-sp and 3 sts, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, ch 3, sk 3 sts and ch-2-sp, FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, sk ch-2-sp and 2 sts, 3 DC in the last st. Turn.

R4: Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 2 sts, SC in the next st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 3 sts, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 3 sts, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 2 sts, SC in the next st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 2 sts, 3 DC in the last st. Turn.

R5: Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, ch 3, sk 2 sts and ch-2-sp, FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, sk (ch-2-sp, SC, ch-2-sp), FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, sk ch-2-sp and 3 sts, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, ch 3, sk 3 sts and ch-2-sp, FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, sk ch-2-sp and 2 sts, 3 DC in the last st. Turn.

R6: Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, *[(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 2 sts, SC in the next st, ch 2, sk 2 sts*; Rep from * to * to last ch-3-sp before the center ch-3-sp, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the ch-3-sp before the center ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 3 sts, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 3 sts; Rep from * to * to last ch-3-sp, [(DC, P) x 4, DC] in the last ch-3-sp, ch 2, sk 2 sts, 3 DC in the last st. Turn.

Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, ch 3, sk 2 sts and ch-2-sp, *FPSC in the next 5 sts, ch 3, sk (ch-2-sp, SC, ch-2-sp)*; Rep from * to * to last ch-2-sp and 3 sts before the center ch-3-sp, ch 3, sk ch-2-sp and 3 sts, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, ch 3, sk 3 sts and ch-2-sp; Rep from * to * to last ch-2-sp and 3 sts, ch 3, sk 2 ch-2-sp and 2 sts. 3 DC in the last st. Turn.

R8 – R55: Rep R6 and R7, ending with WS. DO NOT fasten off. Continue working with the EDGING PATTERN.


R56: Ch 3, 2 DC in the 1st st, DC in each st to the center-sp, (3 DC, ch 3, 3 DC) in the center ch-3-sp, DC in each st to the last st, 3 DC in the last st. Turn.  460 sts + 3 chs

R57: Ch 4 (counts as 1 DC + ch 1), DC in the 1st st, *ch 1, sk 1 st, DC in the next st*; Rep from * to * to the last st before the center ch-3-sp, ch 1, sk 1 st, [(DC, ch 1) x 4, DC] in the center ch-3-sp; Rep from * to * to the last 2 sts, ch 1, sk 1 st, (DC, ch 1, DC) in the last st. Turn.

R58: Ch 4 (counts as 1 TR), *(TR Cl, ch 1, TR Cl) in the ch-1-sp, sk 1 st*; Rep from * to * to last st, TR in the last st. Turn.

R59: Ch 1 (does not count as a st), 2 SC in the 1st st, sk 1 st, *BO in the ch-1-sp, sk 1 st, 2 SC in the sp between TR clusters, sk 1 st*; Rep from * to * to end.

Fasten off and weave in all ends. Block your shawl (optional).

You are done! Enjoy your new shawl!